Since its creation, Naser Electronic S.L. has become established as one of the leading engineering firms specializing in enhancement project, offering solutions for today and tomorrow for the most demanding sectors:
Automobiles, Robotics, Rail, Maritime Sector and Urban Waste, among others.
The keys to achieving such successful process are, without doubt:
♦ Our Philosophy of Excellence in the service and customer service; underlies all everything we do, large or small.
♦ A team made up of highly-qualified professionals who fully buy in to the company’s values who offer all their technical knowledge to our clients in order to pool its efforts to achieve synergies.
Naser Electronic continues to invest in its geographical expansion, the result of which is currently reflected in having managed to offer you four locations, distributed strategically to minimise our response time.
"Maasai bracelets against FGM" are an original and unique gift that support the Maasai people and the fight against FGM. Their lively colors are a clear example of the traditional Maasai adornments still in use today.
These bracelets are hand-made and carefully designed by sociallyvulnerable women within the Maasai tribe in Kenya and Tanzania.
Although each bracelet is different and unique, they all have one thing in common: a symbol of the fight against FGM. This is reflected in an “X”,representing women trapped in a diamond, imprisioned by the constant threat of violent mutilation by knife.
If you are thinking of a special gift, something nice, different and supporting a good cause, Maasai bracelets against FGM are, without a doubt, your best choice.
Consultation hours:
From Monday to Friday: 9:00 - 14:00 and from 15:00 - 18:00.
Telf. 93-893 49 42
Email consultation:
Naser Electronic S.L.
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